Sunday, January 30, 2011

The garden spot is under construction.

This is a photo taken January 2011 of my  overall garden site.  It measures 20'x15'.  It has been fitted with time programmable overhead water sprayers ( white poles sticking out of the ground) which I plan to convert to ground water soaker hoses and drippers.

The plan is to plant flowers in this narrow bed.

This row will be the squash row.  The plan is to build mounds for zucchini, yellow squash, and maybe a butternut squash.

The last row will have a trellis in the corner for climbing vegetables like peas.  This is the cool vegetable row.  Several types of lettuce that will be started indoors.  Onions and garlic as well.  Once the cool weather vegetables are done, this row will become the pepper row.  Hot peppers and sweet peppers grown in cages.  Also some basil plants.

The second to last row will be the tomato row.  The plan is to plant at least 6 different types of tomato plants in cages.  The front (South) edge of this row will be planted with two 3 ft. rows of carrots and two 3 ft. rows of radishes.

The site has a total of 4 rows.  I plan to sow large sunflowers on the West side of the last row.  My hope is that these sunflowers will provide some protection (i.e. some shade) from the harsh afternoon sun as well as provide a wind break when the wind picks up as it often does here in Fallon.

At the North end of the garden I plan to have a raised 4'x4' strawberry planter.  Also I plan to set one or two large black tree planters filled with potato plants.

For now (today) this is the overall plan.  Gotta start somewhere.  I may change it as I learn more about gardening from friends and neighbors.  The first step is to develop a plan and I've done that.  I am on my way!

Update on the Garden site plan:  I am planning on using soaker hoses to water my garden plants.  Here is a photo of how I think this should look.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I maybe jumping the gun, but I can't help myself.

The Basil Mammoth seedlings have emerged!  I sowed these seeds on 1/23/2011.  These are Burpee signature seeds which I purchased at Lowes in Fernley, NV.  Looks like the germination rate is great.

One seedling...a new beginning!

For all these seeds, I used Organic Seed Starting Jiffy-mix.  I watered them with spray-bottle water and kept them covered with plastic wrap until today.  I set the pot in a South facing window (i.e. my dinning room) and let them be.  The package states that the seedlings emerge in 7-14 days.  Guess the conditions were right as they have emerged at exactly 7 days!

Update on the basil seedlings.  The date is Feb. 4, 2011.

I didn't sow too many seeds in this pot.  Wondering if I should leave them all here or transplant a few once they grow taller.

They are about 1-inch tall.

End of January 2011 - The planning has begun!

I've decided to grow a garden this year.  A garden where I can grow food that I can eat.  Also, a garden where I can make something beautiful.  I have choosen my spot in my yard.  The graph paper is out and several sketches have been made.  I am getting really excited!  Snow in the forecast for tonight.  Really?  The snow is needed.  Oh well... just gives me more time to plan and prepare.